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after making starter...

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:52 pm
by KLJ
So the instructions on making Viili kind of end after telling you how to make starter. After I make my starter, do I just add milk and follow the same steps, (leave out on the counter overnight, then refrigerate overnight) before I can eat my Viili? Also, can I add fruit to the process while making the Viili or is it best to add fruit only after the Viili is done?

Re: after making starter...

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:07 pm
by AlexP
Yes, the starter is the same as the finished viili yogurt, just make sure to leave some so you can make another batch. I would recommend adding fruit after the viili is done, especially if you are making just one batch / jar at a time. The fruit will likely mess up the viili and you won't be able to do a new batch. If you do multiple jars you can try to add fruit or anything else to one of them (just so long as you have one clean viili batch so you can keep a clean starter).
