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Experimental Blunder with Apple Puree - Yemoos Nourishing Cultures Forum

Experimental Blunder with Apple Puree

Ginger Beer Questions, Observations, Recipe and Flavoring Ideas, etc.
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Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:53 pm

Experimental Blunder with Apple Puree

Postby tigerro » Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:03 pm

Hi All,

I am a pretty experimental person when it comes to my GBP, and I like to throw fruit into my secondary ferments to see what flavors come out. This time around, I had a bit extra apple puree (in addition to ginger and for the sake of science chunks of apple), so I decided to chuck it into my mason jar for the primary ferment. This morning as I was checking on the GBP I realized that the pulp from the apple (which looks really similar to the GBP in color and size) had sunk down and blended in with the GBP.

I was wondering if there was a good way to seperate the pulp and the GBP when the time comes to distill the ginger/apple beer into bottles.

I guess another question would be whether these kind of experiments are worthwhile, or am I doing more harm than good. In my mind, GBP is pretty hardy so I can sort of mess with it to no long-term effect. Is this true, or should I be more careful in the future?


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