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WHat is wrong

Milk Kefir Questions, Observations, Recipe and Flavoring Ideas, etc.
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Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:54 am

WHat is wrong

Postby ronny582 » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:57 am

I guess I am at a loss. My kefir really grows in less than 24 hours. My final product is NOT a buttermilk like liquid. It is thick like cottage cheese - then when I strain - I get a milk liquid that then separates to almost half an almost clear liquid and a milk like liquid. It is pungent (not spoiled). If I combine the liquids by shaking -- it is milk like. If I remove the clear- it is only slightly thicker with some granules - but not buttermilk like creamy. What am I doing wrong?

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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:06 pm

Re: WHat is wrong

Postby AlexP » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:20 pm

It sounds like it may be overfermenting if its separating that much into curds and whey. When it separates like that in a short amount of time, it tends to be thin. It can be tricky this time of year to get that buttermilk consistency because it usually has more yeast with the heat and yeast contributes to a faster & thinner ferment. If it ferments slower, cooler and more bacteria rich, it will be thicker and take longer to separate into curds and whey. Regardless, it does sound like its overfermenting, so I would recommend cutting back on the amount of grains used or increase the milk. Just a small amount of grains can ferment quite a lot of milk in the summer time. Also try finding a consistently cooler spot to ferment if possible. One method to get it more bacteria rich and thicker is to let it oveferment for a couple or so days at room temperature. It can help the bacteria catch up to the yeast. When you go back to the 24 hour schedule, it tends to be slower & thicker.


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Re: WHat is wrong

Postby Gypsy » Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:57 am

im experiencing the same issues, over/quick fermenting and imcredible multiplying of my grains. ive split the grains into another jar and have found that agitate/shaking will help, also, i 2nd ferment in the fridge for 12(min) + hours and have found the kefir to thicken considerabley, thats whats working for me. AlexP nailed it from my experience thus far, add more milk and a larger vessel or split the grains.
Happy Kefiring!

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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:06 pm

Re: WHat is wrong

Postby AlexP » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:06 pm

Those are great tips Gypsy. Also a short 2nd ferment (in or outside the fridge) with lemon or lime peel can sometimes get it nice and creamy.


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Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:54 am

Re: WHat is wrong

Postby ronny582 » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:40 pm

Thank you. I think you are correct in that it is over fermenting. I researced on line too. I did the second ferment/lemon peel trick! Perfect. It is nice to know it was so easily saved!

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Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 1:06 am

Re: WHat is wrong

Postby Gypsy » Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:32 am

Ive yet to do the lemon/orange peel, and i said awhile back that was on my list to try first but threw in 2 large sticks of cinammon into our refridgerated secondary fementing jar and that gives us a pleasant taste, we leave the cinammon in there over and over until we change the pitcher for cleaning purposes approx. 5 days. The kefir will actually soften the cinammon sticks, turning them quite pliable, we've changed out the sticks every week now. Just throwing this out there for anyone willing to try. Happy Kefiring!
Happy Kefiring!

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