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Too Much Yeast Action? - Yemoos Nourishing Cultures Forum

Too Much Yeast Action?

Ginger Beer Questions, Observations, Recipe and Flavoring Ideas, etc.
Brazen Meerkat
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:18 am

Too Much Yeast Action?

Postby Brazen Meerkat » Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:20 am

I’m new to ginger beer having just started about two months ago.

Things went really well at first. The first several batches were sweet and sour ginger perfection and I got really jazzed about making more. However, things have changed. My latest batch tasted dry, yeasty, and bitter.

I can write up the details of my setup and process, but before doing that, I’m wondering if this might not be a common problem. For instance, the GBP has grown substantially since I first got it and it occurred to me that maybe too much GBP might mean that the yeast takes over and eats all the sugar before the bacteria has a chance to grow. Or, that maybe I’m letting it ferment for too long and the alcohol level is high enough to kill the bacteria in the GBP.

I’m a home beer maker so I understand the importance of sanitation, so I don’t think contamination is the problem. Also, I’ve been pretty consistent in my recipe (amount of ginger, white/brown sugar, water source), so I don't think that's the issue, either.

To all you pros out there, does my experience sound like something you’ve encountered before and is there a simple solution (i.e. reduce fermentation time, reduce the amount of GBP in each batch, etc.)?

Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:06 pm

Re: Too Much Yeast Action?

Postby AlexP » Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:12 pm

It's generally best to keep the amount of GBP low - consistent with whatever recipe you are using. A little extra GBP probably won't hurt, but too much may start to hurt them. You are right that the yeast is more opportunistic than the bacteria and can overpower the bacteria if there's not enough sugar or some other unfavorable condition. If you use too much GBP, it may starve the bacteria a bit or create imbalances. I've noticed that long ferments can do strange things too. If I ever have issues with the grains, I tend to cut back on the amount of fermentation time and it does seem to help refresh them, especially when it comes to growth. Also if its only one batch, I wouldn't worry too much as it may be an adjustment, especially this time of year when temperatures fluctuate more. Keep us updated though.


Brazen Meerkat
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:18 am

Re: Too Much Yeast Action?

Postby Brazen Meerkat » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:41 am


Thanks for the response. I'll try both reducing the amount of GBP and the ferment time with the next batch.


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