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New Here, Introduction.

A place to share your passion for fermentation or simply to say hi
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:22 pm

New Here, Introduction.

Postby lindahirsch » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:37 pm

Totally new to this forum. I tried making kefir over 8 years ago with coconut milk. I enjoyed it but my young (at the time) daughters did not like it. I gave it up after a while not knowing or understanding what I was giving up! I don't have any current health issues but being 52 I don't want them to creep up on me. I started with sourdough bread back in June. That is going pretty well. Then I found the Traditional Cooking School and learned a LOT from them even if it was a bit expensive. Now I am onto kefir again. I just received my second set of grains I ordered from Amazon. The first ones just fizzeled out, became smaller and smaller and was not fermenting the milk. I will see what these new grains do for me, but if they don't do well I will order another set from Yemoos! I love their concept of adopting the grains! They will turn into family members! The information on their site is amazing and overwhelming at the same time! I want to try all of it! The ginger beer might be my next conquest!
This forum looks like a great way to connect and trouble shoot and share stories. Once I get my grains producing, I want to share with my parents and my sisters. EVERYONE can benefit from the old ways of keeping food and making it better for us!
So I do have one question for all of you......I work full time, we run a towing and auto repair shop and I also do nails part time at a retirement home. What is the best way to "play" with all of these "friends" and not get overwhelmed? Can I add ginger beer to my sourdough and kefir without having to do too much??? I don't want to throw too much on my plate at once. :lol:
Thanks in advance for advice, stories and success!
Appleton, Wisconsin

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:25 am

Re: New Here, Introduction.

Postby Frendcurry » Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:26 am

Hello from newbie and welcome

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:08 am

Re: New Here, Introduction.

Postby J.B. » Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:41 am

What happened to everyone. This forum seems like a ghost town now...

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